
Welcome to this portal for Acin Fals.


Acin Fals is a mixed-genre author who enjoys nerdy science fiction, dark fantasy, and queer romance. Their prose and poetry has been published on Medium.com and under the byline of A.M. Fals in Strange Horizons. They live in the US, where they talk to winged neighbors and prepare for a potential coffee crisis by drinking chicory.

Photo of face with slight smile, recolored with a high-contrast indigo filter.

Fals' Fiction

What’s out there to read.

Image of a human hand overlaid with a teal and purple starfield

"Space in Our Relationship" (Strange Horizons Poetry, 2018)

Digital art of honeycomb pattern, in teal and violet colors

Hivepunk, an exclusive Medium.com publication

Close crop of a dragon's chest. Composite digital and photographic art.

"How to Win a Dragon's Heart" (Daily Science Fiction, 2021)

Magenta lightning bolt on an indigo background

"Fantastical Fiction" Medium.com flash index

Are you searching for Acin's illustrations? Try these sites (for adults).

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